
November 2024
I’m so sorry I missed the dinner last night, my grandfather had a stroke a month or two back and can’t walk well anymore, I guess he tried to walk and fell and hit his face on the kitchen counter. He is doing ok now. I hope you guys have so much fun living in Tacoma and give my love to Tiffany. I’m sure I’ll come visit sometime soon. I did not get to say this yesterday but I want to thank you for everything, without you I’d at the very least be in prison, you showed a kid who had a drug addict father who was never good enough a strong guiding hand and how a man treats someone he cares for. I appreciate everything you and Tiffany have done for me. Dietrich F.
One of the reasons to coach is helping someone who didn’t come from a good home life…..
The difference has become very evident over the years of training players. The difference between players who come to the gym with passion and work ethic vs. those who just come to the gym to be with friends and have some fun. I can give countless stories of athletes who have come through training who give their all every time they step on the floor to train and those who just show up. Some players truly believe they are working hard but in all reality haven’t even scratched the surface of hard work. I always ask what are you doing outside of the gym to improve your game? This one question tells me quite a bit about passion. Are you jumping rope, spending time with the ball, working on your defense, working on individual moves and so on. Nine times out of ten most players aren’t doing these things then blaming the coach when the season comes around and they don’t get the playing time they, or their parents, think they deserve. It is a hard character trait to find in many instances and really must come from within the player. They have to bring the fire and determination every day and not get swayed off point. In todays society with so many other things to do it is hard to focus on a singular task. But I also see in the working world people think they are entitled to come in and earn a higher wage just off the bat without really contributing for any length of time before reaping the rewards.
Training players over the years has been very rewarding. We have had over 2500 players come through our doors. There are many who really stand out. Those are the players who truly understand “the difference”.
Coach Hume
June 2018
We coach to have a lasting impact on players lives……
Hey Steve it’s Jackie, I just wanted to tell you that I had high school basketball tryouts this week and I made junior varsity! I just wanted to say thank you for helping me become a better basketball player and person! Thank you for helping me believe in myself! You have helped me in incredible ways and I just wanted to say thank you for believing in me!
Isn’t this the reason we really get into coaching…..
Hey coach! Great to hear from ya! Right now im in San Diego for a world series baseball tournament, i just wanted to let ya know im planning on not trying out next year for basketball for various reasons mainly the time commitment, it was a very hard decision for me and you were probably the reason why it was so hard, i don’t want to let you down and your opinion far out weighs any other basketball coach I’ve had by a longshot. I didn’t want to give you the impression i was blowing off, thank you for all you’ve sone for me and i know for a fact you will be the coach i look back on and remember how you benefitted my life and unconsciously helped me through a very hard part of my life, i will never forget when you said you would be proud if your son turned out like me, that was and always will be the greatest compliment i will EVER get. Thank you for all you have done for me, and make sure you make them work! Jon H.
Kobe Bryant’s comments…..
In a recent ESPN article, Kobe Bryant went on record talking about the skill development of today’s youth basketball players was lacking due to the extreme number of basketball games they play. While we hear parents saying the same things to us, it seems like a trap that players fall into and don’t get out. Numerous parents are more interested in pushing their child to get a scholarship and get noticed. Playing games is important but it should never take time away from your daily skill development. As a basketball player, the time that you are truly building your work ethic, finding out how hard you can push yourself and improving your skill level isn’t spent playing games with your AAU Team in Vegas. It isn’t spent playing video games. It takes a methodical method of improvement and accountability Learning skill development is such a high priority in European countries. The San Antonia Spurs have 9 international players on their 2014-2015 roster. Time to put the work in.
December 2024
Does consistency matter?
We teach and preach consistency. Those players who have dedicated themselves to consistency will accept accountability. 100% of the time consistent players have greater improvements. We use monthly excel spreadsheets to track: shots, dribbling, mile run, jumping rope, plyometrics, defensive drills. Each of those categories have specific meaning to each individual player. Some players will only work on 1 part of their game that will bring them individual glory and not team glory. We stress that in order to become the best they can, each category needs to be focused on. At the end of the month we sit down and examine each category and then ask if they gave 100%. Results are written down by the player so they can track their progress and really examine their future goals and if their work ethic will help them achieve their goal. Accountability is a wonderful tool. If I have a player being lazy during any drill I will stop training and bring the whole group together and ask that player if they are giving their team 100% If they are truthful I have them publicly apologize to the entire team and we get right back after it. It takes only 1 point to lose a game. Don’t let laziness be the reason for that 1 point.
Hi Coach,
Below is my 10 step shooting process that you requested:
1. line your big toe center with the hoop
2. have a base that is shoulder width apart
3. shoulders and hips square to the basket
4. your shooting hand elbow lined up with your big toe center to the hoop
5. shooting arm have a 90 degree bend
6. opposite hand on side of ball to support
7. shooting arm elbow in
8. count two seconds after shot
9. breathe out after shot
10. follow through
Let me know if I should change and/or add anything.
See you tonight!
Practices are made to make each player better. Whether 9 years old or seniors in college, players will benefit from our intense training regime. Over 70% of all players quit our program because hard work isn’t something they are willing to pursue. Some parents think that 60 games a summer will improve their son or daughter. But without consistent training and accountability that really isn’t a reality.
Summer time is when players are made. Dedicated players are making daily preparations to improve.
One of my all time favorite coaches
4-28-14 The passing of legendary coach Jack Ramsey..
As a young kid I listened to the Portland Trail Blazers on the radio. Jack Ramsey was the coach and I really learned to love the game from this coach and group of players. He taught unselfishness and team ball. He loved conditioning. If you have ever been to our practices you will see some of those same things taught in a tough, straight-forward manner.
1-24-14 Practice tonight with the Lake Stevens AAU programs. Tomorrow morning at 7-8:30 am full practice then 8:30-12 pm individual lessons.
11-25-13 State 4A Champions Curtis Vikings–I’ve been looking forward to this practice for a while and I wasn’t disappointed. You could cut the intensity with a knife.
Bodies were flying, tempers were brimming and it was great! This years team will be vastly different than last years state title run. Players are hungry and I am sure that is why the trophy is on display. Coach Tim Kelly always stresses defense first in all practices and 100% effort is required at all times. It will be interesting to see how this team gels over the season. They ran a 3/3 full court no dribble drill. No real fouls called. Very intense to say the least. This will be the first year Curtis has had a “C” team. The Curtis High School boys basketball team will surely compete this year on defense and intensity.
“Hey coach, it’s nick from basketball. I would like to thank you for everything. At tryouts everybody commented on how much improvement they had seen from my last year and I owe it all to you! See you tomorrow night!” This is why I coach!
August 26th.
I recently had a parent remark that they really liked the practices because their kids are held accountable. Over the course of the past couple years we have had over 70 players quit Hume Basketball. I am fine with that. Basketball is a passion of mine. If you are going to make it in life then demands and accountability need to be front and center. I’ve heard all the reasons kids quit and parents think they are doing the right thing by allowing their son/daughter to quit in the face of adversity. It is a shame. Put in the work, don’t complain and let the chips fall where they may. But don’t give excuses. My program isn’t easy. Life isn’t easy. I wouldn’t do it any other way. Interesting observation-the older kids who generally come to my practices are generally the ones who quit the fastest. Older players know what it is to be lazy. Younger players just give it their all and don’t know any better but to work hard for 90 minutes. I look forward to being these kids coach for life!
July 1st, 2013
Had a great week in West Virginia working with Jerry Faulkner and Jim Clayton(both of whom have DVD’s on Championship productions)
The week was non-stop 9 am to 9 pm everyday. Players from Kentucky, Ohio, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, West Virginia were in attendance. Couple players had well over 20 D1 scholarship offers already. It was a great camp with intense learning taking place. Look forward to next year!
June 7th, 2013
This week I had a player come up and with a beaming smile said he had increased his vertical 7 inches in 4 months. Very dedicated player. Hasn’t missed any sessions. This is why I love doing what I do. To see someone reach a goal and to know that they set out to do something and then accomplished it is a humbling thing to be a part of.
One of the biggest disappointments is when players think playing 50 games a summer is going to improve their individual game. Individual skill development is such a lost art. Parents buy into the fact that they should pay X number of dollars to watch their son/daughter travel around and play in games. What does that prove? If a player has bad habits how will that be adjusted during a game or at a practice? How is the player to know what they are doing is right or wrong without proper teaching of techniques?
This week I am in Oregon watching the 6A state basketball championships. Lake Oswego is 27-0 after Southridge in the final moments missed the front end of a 1/1 twice that could have changed the outcome. Little things make a big difference.
In the second game West Linn was down 1 with 3.1 seconds left and their player went to the line and hit both shots for a 51-50 win. Once again little things make a big difference.
From Thursday to Saturday night I saw every game played at the Tacoma Dome. Best highlights of course was watching the Curtis Vikings take care of Garfield then Jackson for the State 4A Championship. I always felt Curtis was going to win it all. They don’t have one Division 1 player on their roster but played as a complete team with everyone contributing. Before the season started I tested Dom Robinson and Dominique Jordan on the 94fifty motion sensor basketballs. It showed how both of them were average shooters with slow release speed, flat release arch and entry arch. It was something that motivated them to really work on their shots during the season and it paid off in the WIAA State Championship. Our first title since 1971. Next year watch out for the Jackson squad again who should be the early season favorite.
Truly my favorite time of year. State tourney is just around the corner. I will be at the Tacoma Dome Thursday-Saturday of next week then down in Oregon for the 6A Championships at the Rose Garden. I have a great job!
Curtis Viking are my pick of course to be the 4A State Champions. But they will probably have to get through the Garfield Bulldogs in that game.
Kobe Bryant on Dwight Howard’s foul shooting: ” I think it all depends on how you’re raised, how you’re taught the game from when you were little,” Bryant said. “I think that’s why it’s such a critical thing in how we develop our player’s growing up, whether it’s AAU and all these other camps. I think they pretty much wanted (Howard) to play inside the paint his entire career, ever since he was 12 years old. they wanted him to dunk everything and finish everything at the rim.
They didn’t want him shooting it because he was bigger than everybody, and, as a consequence, they left out the shooting aspect of his game”
(An important opinion from Kobe Bryant on how developing at a young age the right mechanic’s and focusing on the complete individual basketball player’s game is often times overlooked)
The most unlikely player on the roster made a most unforgettable shot for Butler. A walk-on Alex Barlow drove in for a spinning 6 ft jumper with 2.4 seconds left in overtime and the Bulldogs toppled #1 Indiana 88-86 saturday for their first victory over a top-ranked team in school history. ( A great story line about someone who wasn’t offered a scholarship but continued to work hard daily in practice, earned minutes and was involved in a historic moment for the Butler Bulldogs!) ESPN
Watching the #1 rated high school team in America. Simeon (IL) playing Desoto in Texas and Archbishop Mitty against Travis. Some really good high school teams running very basic plays with great execution.
We drove down to watch the Blazers play the Raptors tonight in Portland. John Townsend is the shooting coach for the Raptors and it was good to spend time with him for a few hours prior to the game.